God’s Foot Is On The World.
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A guideline for Life in the 1000 Millennium Manifest Reign of Christ the King
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Sevenfold Blessings of Christ the King Calendar
The sevenfold zeal for God expressed in the ceaseless calendar of seven days cycle of Christ in His Mysteries brings seven-fold blessings. Christ Mysteries are Light.
There will be seven-fold light in this millennium era; and God is Light. There will be sevenfold Presence of God; there will be sevenfold love; and God is Love. Sevenfold peace, as there is sevenfold love of neighbors as well. The calendar not only sanctifies the present period but goes back to remedy all human sins of the past generations; it recovers the treasuries of God upon earth and eternal values to the extent one lives it…The calendar brings the New Pentecost, a life immersed and centered on Christ the King. In the same passage where the Lord God promises blessings of Pentecost, He also promised restoration, “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter) (Joel 2). As the evil one is cast into the abyss (for 1000 years) all he has stolen shall be restored and he will give up all he has withheld. Sacred Scripture says, “The thief…if he is caught, he will pay sevenfold; he will give all the goods of his house” (Prov.6: 30-31). And we know why the Lord called satan “The thief (who) comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” and we also know what He, the soon-coming King and Restorer, does, “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly” (Jn.10:10). Thus, what the locust has been eating since the exile from the Garden of Eden will be restored sevenfold in this seventh day, the seventh millennium. As nations implement this calendar, they will be seven-fold blessed in peace; both the peace given now, and the peace withheld in those past eras of national and international distress of wars and famine because of idolatry and sins.
The Lord says to Luisa,
“You must know that Our adorable Majesty, in forming the Creation, established that every place was to be populated by inhabitants and that the earth was to be extremely fertile and rich with many plants, in such a way that all would have in abundance.

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